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Facebookにて、私たちの本家本元、ビクター先生率いるYIN YOGA in ASIAの投稿を、Yin Yoga Japanの川畑友季湖先生が日本語訳してくださったものをここでもシェアさせていただこうと思います。

Yin Yoga Japan








YIN YOGA in ASIAの投稿より第三弾、日本語にて転載します。




– この考えは本当にあなたが陰ヨガを必要とする理由ですか?



陰陽のバランスは、あらゆる運動の実践において重要な考慮事項であるべきです。私たちは柔軟性やまたその逆に力だけで練習をするべきではありません。アイデアは完全であり、ひとつの練習の中で陰と陽の調和の状態を維持します。 異なる2つの別々のやり方ではありません。片方が陰でもう片方が陽であれば、これは明らかに不均衡なアプローチです。

例として太極拳を見てみましょう。それは中国で、その他のダイナミックな武道のスタイルを補完するために開発されたものではありませんでした。それ自体で完全なシステムであり、柔らかさで動きにアプローチすることに大きな焦点が置かれています。太極拳では相手を攻撃したときの強さの度合いは外からは想像できません。太極拳で自分の強さを外に出すことは、『發勁』として知られています。それは手だけではなく全身で行います。力は床から脚を通り、腕を通って出ています。 發勁は身体が全体的なユニットとして調整されているときにのみ起こり得ます。そしてそれは筋膜ネットワーク上全体に力の伝達の効力がなければならないことを意味します。体が繋ぎ合って柔らかいままであるときだけ、發勁が起こります。その練習は、柔らかさそれ自体がその対戦相手に対して破壊的な力を生み出すことができるという風に見えます。



Are you suppose to practice a Yang Yoga along side with Yin Yoga?
Many people argue that you should do yin yoga because all the dynamic yoga and vinyasa (so called Yang Yoga) create too much stiffness and muscular engagement. Therefore, you need Yin Yoga to complement it. You need to learn to become soft and create more elasticity in your body with Yin practice. Is this really the reason why you need Yin?
The question is, if someone knows that he is engaging too much muscular effort in Yang Yoga, why does he continue to work the body this way Why is he allowing himself to create all the imbalances by doing it this way?
Yin Yoga is not created to compliment any other yoga style. Yin Yoga is an independent practice which is complete with both Yin and Yang component with the emphasis of creating softness in all movement. How can one continue to engage with minimal effort even when faced with most challenging pose? This is the tenant of Yin Yoga. Can you not react with more muscular engagement when the pose are getting difficult and continue with a soft approach in moving the body? Taoist call this Yang within Yin. Like wise, when doing a dynamic practice, one should consider how to do it with more softness with less effort to complete the movement. This what call Yin within Yang.
Yin-Yang balance should be the key consideration in any movement practice. We should not be training only strength without flexibility or vice verse. The idea is to be complete and maintain the state of harmony between Yin and Yang within a Single practice. Not two separate practices. If one practice is Yin and the other is Yang, this is obviously an imbalance approach.
Let’s look at Taiji as an example. It was not developed to complement another dynamic style of martial arts in China. It is a complete system by itself with a big focus on approaching movement with softness. When we look at Taiji, we will not imagine the amount of strength that could be externalise when attacking an opponent. Externalising one’s strength in Taiji is known as “Fa-Jing” . It involved the full body and not just the hand. The strength is coming from the floor via the legs and out through the arms. Fa-Jing can only happen when the body is able to co-ordinate as a whole unit and that means there must be efficiency of force transmission over the entire fascia network. Only when the body remains soft in its engagement can Fa-Jing happens. The practice seemingly soft can create destructive force to his opponent due to softness itself.
Yin Yoga takes inspiration from this understanding to create movement that allows one to engage with softness in all actions of the body. When we are able to work in this way, we will be able to abide with comfort for all challenging poses.
Photography by WHITE LOTUS OSAKA



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